Physical Activity
Guidelines from the World Health Organisation say that children over the age of six need at least an hour of physical activity every day. In St. Paul's we promote inclusive physical activity throughout the school day.
Our children receive two daily playground breaks every day. It is a school policy that when children have to stay indoors due to bad weather, short physical activity breaks are provided by teachers. Activities such as Go Noodle, Just Dance and the Clock Challenge are the most popular wet-day activities!
Run around Ireland 2020
Our "Run around Ireland" challenge was a huge success in St. Paul's. Overall we ran a total of 8,967 km, a phenomenal result! Our boys and girls made their way to all the landmarks around the country. Well done to all the staff and more importantly to our pupils who put in a huge effort during the challenge.
Run around Ireland - Landmarks
Check out the fantastic artwork that some of our pupils created of our Irish landmarks. They look amazing on our Active Schools Noticeboard. Such talented artists we have in St. Paul's!
Run around Ireland Challenge - April
During the month of April, we are taking part in the "Run around Ireland" Challenge. Each year group will run to different landmarks in their designated province.
Active Break Challenge - November 2019
We are beginning our Active Break Challenge on the 16th of November for four weeks! Each class will complete an Active break challenge each day while also staying socially distant. There will also be a Friday Challenge each week using SportsCon 10 @ 10 exercises! Which year group will come out on top?!!
Run around Europe Challenge - October 2019
Run around Europe!
We are running around Europe all during the month of October! 3rd Classes are running to France, 4th Classes are running to Luxembourg, 5th Classes are running to the Netherlands and 6th Classes are running to Germany! Best of luck everyone!
What Club are you in?
Fyffes Fit Squad - 27th of February 2019
During the months of September and October, Ms. McKenna has been delivering Yoga to a group of 6th Class children on Mondays and Thursdays.
The Daily Mile 2019
During the month of October, all the classes took part in "The Daily Mile". A mile is four laps of our track. We are so lucky to have such great outdoor facilities. Well done to all the children and staff for making it such a success!
G.A.A. Games
In St. Paul's we are promoting G.A.A. games and Culture this school year. Every class in the school is receiving Gaelic training and 5th and 6th classes are getting the chance to try out Hurling and Camogie. There are lots of teachers in the school who are teaching the children these games, as well as that Fintan and Karl - two G.A.A. coaches come into our school on Tuesdays and Thursdays to provide coaching also. We are also very lucky to be able to use the local G.A.A club - St. Nicholas's to train on their pitch!
On the 16th of October, the boys gaelic team won the league semi-final against St. Malachy's Dundalk.
We have an Active Zone in our yard and all the classes are timetabled to use it a certain day! The active agents lead and supervise different playground games in the active zone. During active committee meetings, they come up with different games that classes can play!
Below is a link to our playground timetable as well as a timetable of the active agents rota.
Do Your Talking While Your Walking!

This term we are focusing on the motto ” Do your talking while you’re walking”. All children are encouraged by staff and active agents to keeping active in the yard at all times. So if they are not playing a game, skipping or in the Active Zone, all children do their talking while they are walking!!
We had a whole school art competition to choose the best four "Do your talking while your walking' posters. The Active Agents together with Mr. Murphy choose and put up the winning entries around the school walking track. Have a look at our fantastic art work!!
We have been doing our ‘Talking while we are walking’ in the mornings before school starts. The Active Agents lead the walk and encourage as many children as possible to join in! Third and fourth class children walk on a Tuesday and Thursday morning. While fifth and sixth class children walk on Wednesday and Friday mornings!
Run for Europe! 2019
Well done to all our pupils' for reaching their destinations during the month of March! For four weeks the 3rd classes made their way to France, the 4th classes to Germany, 5th to Poland and 6ths to Norway. The whole school even got to Iceland during the last week of March! Well done everyone!
The 3rd Classes took part in Yoga sessions during the month of March. Ms. McKenna delivered the yoga classes to the children. All the children had a lot of fun learning different yoga poses whilst increasing their fitness, balance and coordination skills. A big thank you to Ms. McKenna for all her hard work!
Céilí for Seachtain na Gaeilge
As part of our Seachtain na Gaeilge celebrations, we held our annual céilí on Tuesday the 12th of March. Our pupils were busy learning the dance "The Siege of Ennis" over the past few weeks. Well done to all the classes that took part and a special word of thanks to Ms. Myles and Ms. Kelly who organised the Céilí. Bhí an-craic againn!
Run for Europe
We began our running challenge on the 4th of March. Each year group will run to a different country for four weeks! 3rd Classes are running to France, 4th Classes are running to Germany, 5th Classes to Poland and 6th Classes to Norway! The active agents will write down how many kilometres their class runs each week. Best of luck to all our pupils as they run around Europe!
Wake Up Shake Up Wednesdays!!
On Wednesday mornings we do Wake Up Shake Up in the yard! The Active agents are doing a great job of leading and demonstrating the exercises to the rest of the children. A big thank you to Mr. Barnes for all his help in making Wake Up Shake Up a success for all our pupils!
St. Paul's Skipathon!
On the 18th of February, we held our Skipathon in the school yard. The children had alot of fun showing off their skipping! They also had a skipping challenge to see how many skips they could do in one minute! Check out our pictures to see the children in action, also the graphs which show how many skips each class got in one minute!
Fifth class Fitness Fun!
During the months of January and February, all children in fifth class practiced some fundamental movement skills. Each week, they focused on a different skill such as running, skipping, balancing, throwing, catching and using their bodies to make different shapes. All the children had a really enjoyable time and were tired afterwards! A big thanks to Mr. Giggins & Mr. Barrett for all their hard work and planning!
Super Skipping!
Some pupils got to show off their amazing skipping skills in assembly on the 5th of February! It was fantastic to see all the flicks and tricks that can be done with a skipping rope! Well done to these pupils for demonstrating their skipping to the rest of the school! A huge thanks to Mark from "Skipnrope" for carrying out workshops to all the classes. The children had a lot of fun whilst being active!
Dance with 3rd class
During the months of January and February, Ms. Halligan taught dance to all the third classes. They learnt different creative dance moves to popular songs. A massive thank you to Ms. Halligan for all her hard work. The children had lots of fun. Check out our video!!
Active AssemblyWell done to Cara and Ava who demonstrated some of their gymnastics moves during assembly this month. Cara is a member of "DP Gymnastics Club" in Drogheda.
Our Christmas "Dashing Dance"
On Friday the 21st of December, we had our Christmas "Dashing Dance" outside in our yard! It really put us all in a festive mood before we finished up for the holiday break. Well done to all the children for getting active and showing off their dance moves! Thanks again to Miss Halligan for teaching the dance to the active agents and also to Mr. Boyle for setting up and playing the music in the yard!
Active Agent Training!!
The Active Agents are busy during the run-up to Christmas learning a dance routine for our whole school Christmas dance which is taking place on Friday the 21st of December in our school yard! They will then have to teach the Christmas dance to the rest of their classmates. A big thank you to Miss. Halligan who is teaching the Agents the dance routine!
Classroom Active Break Challenge: 10th - 14th DecemberWe have been carrying out the Classroom Active Break Challenge throughout the school! Activities such as Go Noodle, Just Dance, 10 @ 10, Classroom Circuits and the Clock Challenge have kept the children super active in their classrooms! Well done to the active agents who are all working hard!
Halloween Walk: 25th October 2019
We launched the beginning of our Active School Flag journey by going on a fancy dress walk around our locality! |